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Zoo Lives



Trapped are our spirits,

That yearn to wander

Down alleys that lead

 To eternal joy –

Like animals groveling

Within cages

That are not even theirs.

Masters set the time

And the race begins,

To  end

When the whistle blows.

Trapped are  we,

As we live other lives

And slowly die within.

Funerals are held everyday.

Do you hear the silent cry ?


Leave a Reply to Ketki Cancel reply

  1. Such a profound poem, ma’am. πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

  2. What a profound verseπŸ’šπŸ’š

  3. The poor animals. Well penned.

  4. So profound
    These thoughts always flooded my mind correlate it with human life
