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This is Jaya Pillai
Here you will find some interesting stories to read, writing tips and random articles that you may find useful in your day to day life.
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My Recent Book
Afternoons and More captures little moments that are now woven together as memories of an unforgettable year. The book offers a peek into some very ordinary lives of a family that is constantly seeking to discover beauty amidst chaos. The writer, through her writing, has not only taken a humorous view of some of the idiosyncrasies that the Pandemic has induced among people around her, but has also engaged in a lot of reflection. She ends her book on a note of faith that things will certainly get better.


Our exclusive experiences blend wellness and beauty, to harmonize the body and the mind
Our exclusive experiences blend wellness and beauty, to harmonize the body and the mind
Book Reviews
Our exclusive experiences blend wellness and beauty, to harmonize the body and the mind
Content Writing
Our exclusive experiences blend wellness and beauty, to harmonize the body and the mind
Our exclusive experiences blend wellness and beauty, to harmonize the body and the mind
Our exclusive experiences blend wellness and beauty, to harmonize the body and the mind