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The Scars


Let me tell you

About the  little patches

Of brown and red

That you see,

Scattered across my soul.

You cringe.

Many do :  others look away.

They are ugly – those patches, 

 Interspersed with the white parts of my soul.

 I wear them like a badge.

For they tell me how I broke

Into smithereens

And lay scattered

Like acerbic words

Strewn randomly.

They tell me

How my breath kept flowing

Even in the dark.

Did I tell you about spirits that never die?

Let my healed wounds speak.

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  1. How touching and beautiful this is šŸ’ššŸ’š

  2. Uff! JPšŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ‘Œ
    Just loved the last line šŸ’ššŸ’š

  3. Jaya , this is spooky and with an unexpected end
    Beautiful ..
