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Exams from the Teacher’s Point of View

The Examination time is a time of sheer  upheaval for every child and this is something that every teacher knows it.

And so when on the dreaded day arrives and the bell rings, she gets them settled down after a prayer. This isn’t an easy task, given the fact that most of them are clinging to their books, trying to cram in whatever their brains can take in at the last moment or randomly go through the stuff they have studied. She coaxes them to put away their bags and if that doesn’t work, she might just be compelled to roar a little.

She then gives them their papers, and goes around attending to their queries, big and small . Soon enough, they are lost in their own little world while the teacher traipses around, doing her catwalk- partly to check those roving eyes that may be tempted to seek aid from a fellow examination victim and partly to keep herself awake. Half an hour flits by and soon the demand for more paper begins . She flies around giving a paper here or a graph there, till she is satisfied that all are pretty well provided for . Of course there will always be that stray creature in some corner who refuses her generous offer of more paper, claiming she has enough.

The teacher now decides to give her aching feet a moment’s rest and slowly manages to weave her way through rows of strangely placed desks, doing twists and turns that could put the legendary Helen to shame . She finally reaches her seat of honour only to find the bright spark at the other end of the room has raised her hand for some paper- yes, the very one who had refused the teacher’s generous offer just five minutes back . The teacher takes a deep breath in, thinks of the saints who have walked on the planet and starts the catwalk again .

Image : Pixabay


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  1. I can almost envision a ‘Teacher’s Catwalk’ as an encore performance at the Milan Fashion Week.

    Jokes apart, your vivid storytelling brought back memories of that mix of nervousness and urgency during exams.

    Little did we know, our paper cravings in the exam hall turned us into unintentional troublemakers!
