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Cutting Away…



Cut down the dying boughs

With an axe, I say.

Chop and slice each poisoned bit

And set them aflame.

Let the jaundiced leaves shrivel to nothingness.

The ashes will swivel deliriously,

Celebrating their  freedom.

They will float in the morning breeze

And settle amidst the flowers.

That is where you belong, my friend –

Swirling in the fragrant hues of another life.

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  1. Thoughtful poem💚💚

  2. I’m reminded of Gieve Patel’s On Killing a Tree though the essence of both poems are different.

    1. I think here it symbolises cutting off negativity.
      Nice poem,Jaya

  3. Such a lovely poem with a wonderful message

  4. Such a beautiful poem, so well written! You always mesmerize me with your words 🙂

  5. Thought-provoking JP💚👌
