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Can You Hear Me

#Poeattic 3


#Can You Hear Me

Can You Hear Me

Somewhere, I have lost

The  words I  had gathered,

To build a song for you.

I had put them

In an oval vase,

Rubicand, with flowers

Painted all over.

I never saw the crack.

And so I have been groveling

On the star lit floor,

Scouring its surface

With my bare  nails.

But tell me something :

When has starlight

Been enough to  search

For  all that we seek ?

There is no pain really,

When we lose words :

All that we feel is

A  strange emptiness :

A void, a barreness

That  claws its way, insidiously

Into the everyday things we   do –

We barely notice it.

But we sigh often –

Maybe a few million times.

The way  I am doing  right now.

Can you hear me?

Or has the vacuum spilt over

To swallow the sounds I make ?

Or perhaps you do not understand

Why words are important.

Yet another wisp of a  sigh,

Tears itself away  from

Its weary womb

And floats away listlessly.

I whisper to the emptiness,

The only truth I know :

When I find the  love I lost,

You will hear my words too.

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  1. Omg! Deep and poignant JPπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
    Love it love it😍😍

    1. Oh my God.. I just noticed.. I had kept separate stanzas but here all the stanzas seem to have merged

  2. Profound. Your verses always leave me mesmerized.

  3. Deep meaning Jaya! Reflective and emotional at the same time.

  4. Perhaps, a deep yearning expressed beautifully.

  5. What a beautiful expression! Profound πŸ’šπŸ’š

  6. ‘There is no pain really, when we lose words’
    This piece had so many layers mam, each exquisite! So much depth!

  7. Poignant, yes one is really at loss for words

  8. So profound, so beautiful. I am definite now that this is what connoisseurs mean when they quote β€˜work of art.’

  9. Poignant as always! πŸ’šπŸ’š

  10. reflective writing .. lovely Jaya ..
