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And I wait……

NaPoWriMo 21

April 2 nd

Thank you –

For letting bits and pieces

Of our love

Trickle into the vacant spaces

Of  my heart.

I still love you –

Like the fading light

That clings to the sky at dusk,

Awaiting its return

From the cool embrace

Of the star clad night.

I gather  the scattered dust of betrayal

And let them swirl

In the placid waters of my love.

And I wait…..

Foolishly perhaps ;

For your breath to graze past my lips

As you  whisper to me

In gentle tones,

A single word – sorry.

( Image  – Unsplash : Vitolda Klein )


Leave a Reply to Sarita Khullar Cancel reply

  1. How do you do it! Your words are strung so beautifully together, love your work Jaya.

  2. Fallen in love with your words, yet again 💚
    Simple and superb

  3. Thanks so much 💚 💚 💚
