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I am not too much of a television buff but I do manage to catch snippets of some highly ludicrous soaps that have been on air since a while. While I have never had too much of an opinion about them, my impression of them sinks even further at the content in some of them. Ever since the soaps invaded our homes, the trend that I have noticed is of women all out to make other women’s lives a living hell. They plot  and even stoop to murder or something utterly bizarre to trap the other ‘good women’. The men of course are wimpy nincompoops whose umbilical cords were never really cut. They blindly believe the scheming mothers and lash out at the holier than thou art wife. 


Interestingly, the height of success in life is making a good halwa for the in-laws and being rewarded with the responsibility of handling the house keys. Of course,  one needs to beware of the evil sister in law who is lurking around to poison the  halwa.


What leaves me quite surprised is the fact that well known faces have played these roles. I often wonder whether money is such a lure or (maybe a necessity) that it compels perfectly intelligent people to play these roles. How can any self respecting woman transform herself into a vamp who plots games and even murders in order to grab another woman’s husband?


 I may sound a wee bit conservative, but I strongly that Art does have a responsibility – the responsibility of portraying characters that inspire and of presenting stories that are realistic and plausible. Most importantly, women need to be shown in a better light.


A new trend is of sisters fighting over a man. They are sisters, for crying out loud! How can they indulge in creepy manipulations to win the man? In a world of around 3.97 billion men, do they really have to fight over one?  Surely, there are more important things to talk about – how women are being exploited, how women are fighting against exploitation and male chauvinism and how they are winning laurels in different fields. 


An evening spent watching inspiring and heartwarming tales of women making their mark is certainly better than watching inane sob stories like the ones we have. 


Of course, I always have the option of switching channels but what about those who are actually hooked on ? Think of what is happening to their minds. I still hope that content creators will start coming up with meaningful stuff that gives women the identity they deserve.



Image : Eric Maclean


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