The Anatomy of Modern Day Work Ethics
So you decide during a moment of sheer madness, to get some work done in your house. Driven by your temporary loss of sanity, you call in somebody to do it. He arrives – exactly five hours after the appointed time, with a less important looking person. Both stare at the work to be done very philosophically. Then they ask you if you have a particular, very important item required for the work. Obviously, you don’t. You don’t run a hardware store, do you ? The important looking man grunts and says he will be back. He disappears – and stays there for the next hour or two. Usually all their clients stay in the back of beyond, you see.
The other man stands around and stares at nothing in particular. When you urge him to start with some other work, he looks as flabbergasted as a two year old.
He then begins slowly, though not quite steadily. The Big Boss arrives ( yes, there is a hierarchy – each one is a boss to the more stupid one ). Hoursssss later the work gets done. You can now start counting the new grey strands on your head and reach out for the headache pill.
There are more stories. The celebrity kabadi wala for instance. I shall save that for my next post.
Image : Pixabay