The Scars Jaya Pillai September 24, 2020 THE SCARS Let me tell you About the little patches Of brown and red That you see, Scattered across my
Can You Hear Me Jaya Pillai September 22, 2020 #Poeattic 3 #PoetryParlour #Can You Hear Me Can You Hear Me Somewhere, I have lost The words I had gathered,
He Came, He Saw, She Conquered.. Jaya Pillai July 17, 2020 The hall was brightly lit and crowded. Crowded, of course, was an understatement. It was bursting at the seams, and
Of Crooks And Saints Jaya Pillai April 4, 2020 There were people dying everywhere And yet there were those who refused to see the monstrosity unleashed by a tiny
The Final Winter Jaya Pillai February 12, 2020 I feel strange – Like a star that exploded eons ago, Scattering golden dust Which soon swirled away into infinity,
When the end comes Jaya Pillai November 16, 2019 I have been making plans. A few. Nothing much really. A trip to Switzerland. I have always wanted to go
The Lady In the Villa Jaya Pillai October 23, 2019 “ The amount is not negotiable ,” the lady declared vehemently. “ Take it or leave it.” I stared
IN THE SHADOWS OF AN UNBORN DREAM Jaya Pillai August 17, 2019 It was the winter of 1857. The cold winds cascading down the northern mountains had swept across the city
DR NORTH’S DESCENT Jaya Pillai July 18, 2019 There is something that one needs to know before one plunges into the story of Samuel Clooney. Samuel was a
When thoughts melt into music… Jaya Pillai February 23, 2019 I have been sitting here for a while. Half an hour or so. A long exhausting week. I am tired