The Final Winter
I feel strange –
Like a star that exploded eons ago,
Scattering golden dust
Which soon swirled away into infinity,
Leaving a cold trail.
It’s winter – and the coat I wear barely keeps me warm.
The fire beyond my walls
Is burning bright
And they sit huddled around it,
Their pale faces glowing.
Not mine – I don’t belong to that part of the world.
I am not one of them.
My veins strain against
My pale, translucent skin
And my gnarled fingers
Clutch my walking stick.
The chill has settled around me
Like a grey cat that has found a shady spot.
It’s the final winter
And I am freezing.
And yet
I feel a warmth slowly
Seeping into my heart.
Perhaps the time has come
For a new spring.
Photo By: Sapan Patel
Beautiful 💚💚
Nice one Jaya, this sense of wanting to belong and yet feel alien…
Thanks a lot 💚
Beautiful Jaya!