My entry for Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
There are things we’ve done.
And we let them float away. We scarcely remember what we did or why we did it. But we laughed till our sides ached and that’s what I remember.
I had permed my hair and you had been aghast. You told me that I looked like a golliwog. I laughed. And then we smoked our first cigarette. We had gone into basement of the college building, hoping that no one would catch us. But we were caught and our parents gave us a dressing down. We were both down in the dumps for days, because we were grounded. We survived though.
We were tough. We bounced back quickly from setbacks and moved on. I doubt if we were ever depressed. We fought too – bitter, ugly fights where we almost came to blows. The worst was when we both fell in love with the sam girl. We didn’t talk to each other for months – till we discovered that she was going steady with one of the other guys in our batch. It was rather reassuring for both of us. We had our first coffee together after four months.
We are several decades older than what we were in our late teens. Age has left some tell tale marks. We are more sober : at least I think so, though I heard my son say that we were both behaving like a bunch of kids last evening. So what ? We are friends still and young at heart. Happy too. Does anything else matter ?
Image : Ricardas Brogys ( Unsplash )